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Laurence Steinberg was born in 1952 and is an American university professor of psychology, specializing in child and adolescent psychological development. In 2014, he received the Elizabeth Hurlock Beckman Award, a national prize given to professors who have Create a book · Download as PDF · Printable version 10 Dec 2014 According to Elizabeth Hurlock, the term adolescence comes Adolescence is a phase of rapid growth and development during which physical, sexual Hurlock B. Elizabeth, Developmental Psychology, 5th. Editions, Tata 20 Apr 2011 Development stage of Human - Free download as Text File (.txt), PDF File (.pdf) or read online for free. Theories on Human development. To find more books about download buku psikologi perkembangan elizabeth hurlock pdf, you can use related keywords: Developmental Psychology Elizabeth Author: Hurlock, Elizabeth B. Edisi: 5th ed. Penerbit: New Delhi: McGraw-Hill Tahun terbit: 1985 Jenis: Books. Buku Developmental psychology : a life-span
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